4 Most Common Myths About Office Carpet Cleaning Debunked

4 Most Common Myths About Office Carpet Cleaning Debunked

Many opinions about office carpet cleaning need to be addressed so that you can avoid wrong carpet maintenance practices. It is vital to be well-informed about the importance of office carpet cleanings, as being misinformed might lead to an undesired result.

Most people believe cleaning their carpets is as simple as vacuuming once in a while. However, more than vacuuming frequently is required to keep your carpet clean.

You should be aware of these four myths about office carpet cleaning before you hire a carpet cleaner.

1. Office carpet cleanings cost more than residential carpets

Costs of carpet shampooing or carpet cleaning depend on the type of carpet and the condition of the soiling on the carpet. Thus, it is not necessarily true that office carpet cleaning is more expensive than residential carpet cleaning.

The carpet in a residential space is usually smaller than in an office. As a result, it may be less expensive to clean a carpet in a residential setting than in an office building.

Residential carpets, however, are often more delicate due to their finer materials. It would take more time for professional carpet cleaners to clean the carpet thoroughly, meaning that carpet cleaning costs per square foot could be higher for residential carpets than commercial carpets. 

2. A New Carpet Does Not Need Cleaning

It is a common myth that new carpets do not require cleaning until it starts to look or smell bad. However, this is far from the truth.

Carpet cleaning always has to start early. It might seem obvious, but the longer you wait to clean your carpet, the more dirt will accumulate on it. Compared to other surfaces, the unique thing about carpets is that minuscule particles can snuggle deep within the fabric’s fibres, so dirt is most likely not visible.

Allowing dirt and dust to settle on your carpet can ruin its beauty. It will help if you begin cleaning your carpet as soon as possible to ensure its longevity. You can also engage in services that offer office carpet cleaning in Singapore.

3. Office carpets last longer than home carpets

There is a common misconception that office carpets last longer than household carpets. In reality, this is only sometimes the case. A carpet’s longevity depends on how it is used and maintained.

It’s easy to damage floor rugs, for example, in living rooms or office entrances. Rugs can be chewed by pets and damaged by mopping with floor detergent.

The carpets in office buildings can become damaged over time if not properly maintained and regularly vacuumed and cleaned. On the other hand, Office carpets typically have rubber backings that adhere to a strong adhesive to the floor. Most of them are made from synthetic materials that withstand heavy foot traffic. However, this doesn’t mean office carpets will last longer than home carpets.

4. All Carpet Cleaning Methods Are the Same

Carpet cleaning methodologies vary depending on the carpet’s fibre, just as you would groom different pets differently.

Wool carpets, for instance, are delicate and cannot withstand too much wear. Since wool carpets can withstand harsh treatment better than jute carpets, their cleaning methodology would differ from those used on jute carpets. Professional carpet or disinfection services would best know which technique to use for specific materials.


There are many misconceptions regarding office carpet cleaning. Because carpets are one of the most important areas that require cleaning in the office, it is important to keep these facts in mind when hiring a professional carpet cleaning service.

Abba is the go-to company to keep your offices clean and safe for all employees. We provide everything you need, from professionalism to specialised cleaning equipment.

Feel free to give us a call now or send in an enquiry for a free quote!

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